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News 2017 September

Investigations::Multimedia, AI and KM

  • Microsoft and Amazon: The company Microsoft and the company Amazon have teamed up and connected their voice-based assistants and their cloud computing platforms. While the voice-based assistant of Microsoft is pre-installed in its operating system in many cases, the voice-based assistant of Amazon is installed in its loudspeakers.
    From a report about this collaboration we got an exemplary use case that shows how they can complement their functions with each other in analogy to banks that are also working together and allowing the transfer of money from one bank to another one: A user can call up with the voice-based loudspeaker of Amazon a calendar of an email and Personal Information Management (PIM) software of Microsoft, that is stored on a data storage device handled by the operating system or a cloud storage server of Microsoft.
    In detail, at first a user speaks a command into the voice-based assistant of Amazon, which looks on Amazon's (cloud computing) server for the command spoken by the user and the related reply to be given by the dialog system. The reply must be related with a cloud computing service of Microsoft. Then a service, information or data is requested by the (cloud computing) server of Amazon at the cloud computing service of Microsoft, which in return delivers the requested service, information or data.
    But a closer look on this example and other scenarios of application revealed that we have here a federated system comprising a first layer with at least two dialog systems or even voice-based assistants as front-ends, a second layer that provides common broker services, and a third layer with at least four systems as back-ends (operating system and cloud computing services of Microsoft and online shop and cloud computing services of Amazon).
    In fact, that federated system has more than one dialog system, which are declared as voice-based assistants, which again are interface agents, on the layer of the dialog system, can work without domain names, and make many other internet services obsolete, which provides the next evidence for the copyright infringement (see also the Ontologic Web Further steps of the 6th of July 2017).
    These facts prove, that Microsoft and Amazon have stolen a part of our Ontologic Net (ON) and Ontologic Web (OW) that is not included in dialog systems, such as for example The Rochester Interactive Planning System (TRIPS), which is "[a collaborative] intelligent integrated problem-solving assistant" (see also the OntoLix and OntoLinux Website update of the 25th of August 2017), included in prior art, or allowed by fair use of our copyrighted work or due to an ordinary technological progress (such dialog systems are 20 years old or older).
    In the case of Microsoft it is even the next time that it has stolen a feature of our Ontologic Net (ON) and Ontologic Web (OW) after it stole already the part related with the fields of Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR), a part of our OntoCore (OC) component (see the case of the company in the Investigations::Multimedia, AI and KM of the 28th of August 2017), and some Ontologic Applications.
    In the case of Amazon it is even the second time that it has stolen a feature of our Ontologic Net (ON) and Ontologic Web (OW) (see the case of the company Deutsche Telekom in the Investigations::Multimedia of the 19th of April 2017).

    The companies also invitated the companies Apple and Google to also team up with their illegal Intelligent Personal Assistants (IPAs) copied from our Ontologic Systems (OSs) OntoLix and OntoLinux, which provides another evidence for the copyright infringement and other infringements of our rights.

    That said, what they really need is our Ontologic System (OS), Ontologic Net (ON), Ontologic Web (OW), and Ontologic uniVerse (OV), as it is the case with a further collaboration with the companies Apple and Google, and the various digital industry efforts.
    OK Onto, ...
    OK Axela, ...
    OK Hovee, ...
    (Voice activation also works without OK.)

    Style of Speed Further steps
    We worked on one of our advanced engines and found one of the reasons why it is significantly more efficient than common engines utilized for the same types of vehicle.

    For supplementing our Hoverpod and Hoverbus ranges, saving development time, as well as accelerating the obtainment of Certificate of Airworthiness (CofA) and the introduction of our technologies and system platforms, we have adapted one of our modules to substitute a component of a specific type of aircraft once again (see also the Further steps of the 17th of May 2017 and 3rd of August 2017).
    As result, we have developed three Multivector models:

  • The first model has 18 thrust units and 9 Reactors, and is designed for 2 passengers,
  • the second model has 36 thrust units and 18 Reactors, and is designed for 8-12 passengers, and
  • the thrid model also has 36 thrust units and 18 Reactors, but is designed for 33-55 passengers.

    All models also feature:

  • fuselages and cabins adapted from helicopters,
  • fly-by-wire control system with high redundancy,
  • autothrust system for hovering 15 minutes wthout fuel in addition to fuel reserve for flying 20 minutes, and
  • other safety systems.

    We also worked on the designs of our Hoverpods of the Model T series.

    Furthermore, we have also developed a new Hoverpod model series.

    I'm flyin' it™


  • A person: A clever guy (not really) announced his Unix based real-time operating system on the developer mailing list of a microkernel.
    From the description of the illegally copied operating system architecture dated 30th of August 2017, 11:35 UTC, we got the following informations:
    "Dependencies on specific microkernels should be kept to a minimum, and any kernel-specific code should be isolated in a library. [See the operating systems that emphasize a small microkernel and are listed in the section Exotic Operating System of the webpage Links to Software of the website of OntoLinux, specifically the operating systems L4, KLOS, and SPACE, as well as the Exokernel and library Operating System (libOS) listed in the section Exotic Operating System, and the OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 29th of August 2017, specifically the operating system Pebble.]",
    "The VFS should be built into the process server (like [a specific Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)] but without the process server being colocated in the kernel) rather than having it as a separate process [...] [Compare this design decision with the special variants of the OntoCore component discussed in the OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 28th of May 2016.]",
    "Features like namespaces that are shared between processes and possibly cgroups should probably be implemented in servers separate from the process server. [See also the operating system Spring, which has many features in common with the operating system Plan 9 that are relevant here, as shown in the comments to some of the following quotes, and is listed in the section Exotic Operating System of the webpage Links to Software of the website of OntoLinux, and also the operating system Pebble.]",
    "read() and write() should call L4 IPC directly to transfer data without any involvement from the process server [...] [See the operating systems KLOS, SPACE, Pebble, and Spring once again. It should also be noted at this point that a verified L4 microkernel is meant, which corresponds to the combination of the Ontologic System Architecture (OSA) property of (mostly) being verified with the OntoL4 and OntoS1 components.]",
    "Messages that are short enough should be stuffed into message registers, and anything longer should be transferred by mapping pages. [See the OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 29th of August 2017, specifically the operating systems Spring, Barrelfish, and Singularity, as well as our system architecture in relation with message-based communication. See the webpage of the OntoBase component for the feature of memory mapping.]",
    "All process memory (even things like stack/heap/BSS that are anonymous in other OSes) should be mapped from memory-resident files. Backing for stack/heap/etc should be provided by memfs [...] [We mentioned the OntoBase feature of memory mapping already in a comment to a related quote before.]",
    "All memory-resident files (including ones shadowing non-resident files) should have a paging priority, with the highest locking a file in memory, and the lowest causing the contents to be completely erased from memory if physical memory is low rather than being swapped out (this would be useful for things like caches, which don't make sense to swap out; for shadow files, this should only erase the in-memory pages, and not the backing). [This means that at least this part of the file system is an in-memory file system. See the webpage of the OntoBase component for the features of shadow paging and memory mapping, and the general-purpose distributed memory caching system Memcached referenced in the section Building Blocks with the MemcachedDB, the Ontologic File System (OntoFS) component for the database library SQLite, and the OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 29th of August 2017 once again.]",
    "Swap could probably be implemented by having a specific "swap" or "lazy" paging policy for shadow memory-resident files, where writes to the in-memory file stay purely in memory and aren't written to the backing until physical memory is low. [See the comment to the quote before.]",
    "Since it would be possible to create files that map specific ranges of other files in a memfs, it would be possible to implement [an ]FS and the like without a separate server. [See the OntoBase and the OntoFS components once again and the related informations given on our websites that explain the overall integration of our Ontologic System Architecture (OSA) in relation with this specific part of our Ontologic System (OS).],
    "Both private mappings of files as well as mappings of non-memfs files could be implemented with a special type of "shadow" memfs that pages in data from backing files [...] shadow mappings [...] shadow memfs [...] [See the comment to the quote before.]",
    "Process ACL entries that use the permissions from the filesystem [...] [See the OntoBase component once again, specifically the feature of access control even of each single store cell, and the OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 29th of August 2017 once again, specifically the operating systems Spring, Flask, and Asbestos.]",
    "There should be message-oriented devices in addition to character and block devices, and message-oriented pipes (or mailboxes) in addition to character-oriented ones. [See the OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 29th of August 2017 once again, specifically the operating systems Spring, Barrelfish, and Singularity in relation with message-based communication.]",
    "Ports should have the same semantics as message-oriented devices. [See once again the operating system Spring listed in the section Exotic Operating System of the webpage Links to Software.]",
    "The local file IPC protocol could mostly correspond to 9p, although obivously messages that refer to open file descriptors should be received on separate FDs, not multiplexed onto the port like in Plan 9. Since there will be separate channels for read and write, they should be implemented as the same message type. [See the Ontonics, OntoLab, and OntoLinux Further steps of the 8th of October 2012 and the OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 29th of August 2017 once again, specifically the operating system Singularity.]",
    "By default, directory entries should be cached by the process server [...] [In relation with the overall architecture of that plagiarism, this reminds us of Memcached a further time.]",
    "[...] in-memory filesystem in a machine with a universal memory [...] [This reminds us of the comments to the quotes before that are about memory mapping and in-memory file system, and the project SASOS4Fun listed in the Innovation-Pipeline of Ontonics. See again the Ontonics, OntoLab, and OntoLinux Further steps of the 8th of October 2012.]",
    "[...] core capability manager/filesystem [...]",
    "A compatibility library to allow [that plagiarism] to use FUSE servers should be implemented. It could probably be based on the official FUSE library with the character device backend replaced with one using the native [plagiarism] VFS interface (fusermount would obviously be completely unnecessary). [We said the same in relation with the software libraries Filesystem in USErspace (FUSE) and Libsqlfs and the database library SQLite on the webpage of the OntoFS component.]",
    "[...] KeyKOS [...] [The operating system KeyKOS is also interesting because it has a nanokernel or picokernel, which leads us directly to the kernel-less operating system approach and the related operating systems KLOS and SPACE for example, and in this way to our OS.]",
    "The same glue layers could probably be used for both since both export Unix-like APIs (although the glue code will have to take the differences between the NetBSD and Linux APIs into account). [Potentially, we have forgotten to make clear that we have OntoLix based on BSD Unix and OntoLinux based on Linux that share the same glue code of our Ontologic System (OS)? Honestly, we do not think so.]",
    "Multiple universe support [...]", and
    "The interface for window managers could probably work a little like that for compositing window managers under X [...] a heavily stripped-down fork of one of the Wayland compositors could probably be used instead. [This points to the OntoGraphics component of our OS.]".

    The illegally copied operating system architecture is also described in two emails dated 3rd of September 2017 (today) as follows:
    "[...] L4-based OS similar to [a specific Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)] and Plan 9 [As we said already, meant is a verified L4 microkernel, which corresponds to the combination of the Ontologic System Architecture (OSA) property of (mostly) being verified with the OntoL4 and OntoS1 components. In addition, real-time capability is also a property of the operating system microkernel of the OntoCore component of our Ontologic System (OS). We already mentioned the operating systems Spring and Plan 9, and also Pebble as well.]",
    "[...] use as much third-party code as possible to avoid making lots of extra work (likely [Linux Kernel Library (]LKL[) ...] and/or the NetBSD [...] kernel[s] for device drivers, disk filesystems, and the network stack; a libc based on musl; and basic commands forked from those of FreeBSD). [See the section Operating System, the Exokernel and library Operating System (libOS), and the projects related with device drivers and listed in the section Formal Verification of the webpage Links to Software, and also see the OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 29th of August 2017, , and the last section of the OntoLix and OntoLinux Website update of the 30th of August 2017.]",
    "[That plagiarism] will be a pure Unix-like system [...] [We do not know what OntoLix and OntoLinux are or what they comprise. Or do we?]",
    "[...] no concept of "personality-neutral" services [...] [This reminds us of the statement that our solution is totally neutral, that we have given on the webpage Introduction of the website of OntoLinux.]",
    "[...] the root server will implement a subset of the Unix API directly [...], although the root server will be completely separate from the kernel of course [...] [See the related operating systems listed in the section Exotic Operating System of the webpage Links to Software of the website of OntoLinux.]",
    "[...] going to avoid C for new code as much as possible for security, preferring Rust for anything performance-critical [...] [Such a multiparadigmatic programming language like Rust is also an inherent feature of the OSA, as can be easily seen with the Ontology-Oriented (OO 2), Ontologic(-Oriented) (OO 3), and Ontologic Computing (OC) paradigms and the multilingual multimodal multiparadigmatic multidimensional multimedia rule-based and inference engine of the OntoBot software of our OS.]",
    "The main concept behind the design will be to take "everything is a file" as far as it possibly can go. Nearly all resources in the system will appear in the filesystem, even things like process memory (kernel memory and the interface to the root server will be among the few non-files in the system, although the API of the root server will be implemented with an anonymous [File Descriptor (]FD[)] internally). The filesystem will be a combination of a thin layer on top of L4 IPC with read() and write() calling L4 IPC directly [...] [See once again the Ontologic File System (OntoFS) component and the OntoBase component that replaced and extended the foundational functionalities of the OntoFS in accordance with our OO 2, OO 3, and OC paradigms, and also see the related informations and explanations given on the website OntomaX for example.]",
    "The VFS will implement the name service and memory mapping parts of the filesystem; read() and write() will bypass the VFS layer entirely and will use [...]L4 IPC to communicate directly with the other thread. [As we said before, this means that at least this part of the file system is an in-memory file system. Also see the webpage of the OntoBase component for the feature of memory mapping and the referenced Memcached once again, the OntoFS component for the database library SQLite, and the OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 29th of August 2017 once again, specifically the operating system Spring and its relation with the operating system Plan 9.]",
    "[...] ACL-per-process model, where the root server will have an in-memory list of files for each process specifying which files it is allowed to access, as opposed to a hierarchical pure-capability model like other L4-based systems (a pure capability model seems like it would be a poor fit for a pure Unix-like system). [See once again the webpage of the OntoBase component, specifically the feature of access control even of each single store cell, and the OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 29th of August 2017, specifically the operating systems Spring, Flask, and Asbestos, and read this investigative case carefully to find out where this original and unique idea truly originated from.]",
    "There will be an ACL management server that will persistently associate permissions with programs, and it will also be possible for sufficiently privileged processes to dynamically modify the ACLs of other processes. [See the name service of the operating system Spring and its relation to the operating system Plan 9. Under Spring the file system was one example of a server which used the single unified name service, which agian was persistent.]",
    "One of the biggest reasons to stick with Unix is that there are a lot of applications for it and lots of people are familiar with it. [Guess why we have chosen this specific path more than 11 years before with our OntoLix and OntoLinux? See also the OSA, the webpage Links to Software, the Investigations::Multimedia, AI and KM of the 28th of August 2017, and the last section of the OntoLix and OntoLinux Website update of the 30th of August 2017 once again.]",
    "[...] a heavily modernized and streamlined Unix would be good enough and could do most things just as well as the non-Unix research microkernel OSes. [Obviously, this modernization is exactly what we have done more than 11 years ago in a first step followed by some more steps since then with which we have perfected and optimized the operating system part of our OS, and supplemented and increased the range of its functionality as can be seen with the OntoBase and OntoCore software components. See also the sections Operating System and Exotic Operating System of the webpage Links to Software and the OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 29th of August 2017 once again.]",
    "The only pure capability OSes that have had significant success outside academia that I can think of are KeyKOS, which from what I gather was mostly used as a hypervisor or running a Unix environment [...] [We already mentioned KeyKOS with its nanokernel or picokernel before and also showed its tight relation with kernel-less operating systems.]", and
    "[That plagiarism] security model will be much more fine-grained than that of conventional Unix since it will allow controlling access on a per-process basis rather than just per-user, and there will be no privileged system calls. All access control other than resource limits will be implemented by allowing specific processes selective access to particular files (and even resource limits will be set through a file-based API). System servers that export multiple resources will have their special files divided up to allow for fine-grained access control. [See the OntoBase component once again, specifically the feature of access control even of each single store cell, the OntoFS component once again, specifically the features of very space efficient packing and handling of small files and metadata is stored as sub-files, and the OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 29th of August 2017 once again, specifically the operating systems Spring and Asbestos. Furthermore, having no privileged system calls means that the plagiarism is also a kernel-less operating system, which is the very original and unique combination of the OSA property of (mostly) being kernel-less with the properties of the OntoL4 and OntoS1 components. See also the OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 29th of August 2017 once again, specifically the operating systems KLOS and SPACE, which are also listed in the section Exotic Operating System of the webpage Links to Software.]".

    Not surprisingly, a development stub was uploaded just around 2 hours after we publicated the Website update of the 30th of August 2017 and 2 days after we publicated our related explanations given in the OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 29th of August 2017.
    Interestingly to note are the facts, that the publication about the architecture is based on the operating systems Spring and Plan 9, and the informations, that were publicated on our websites before the 29th of August 2017, and was uploaded together with a bootloader for a verified L4 microkernel, while the emails include informations given in the OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 29th of August 2017, and the Website updates of the 30th and 31th of August 2017, which shows that a criminal entity is closely observing our activities in relation with our OntoCore component and there are not many very obsessive entities developing a real-time capable and capability-based operating system that is said to be related with L4, Plan 9, QNX, FreeRTOS, and an operating system with a file system that provides functionality similar to that of a relational database.
    Nevertheless, that strategy failed, because we publicated the characteristic properties of our OntoCore, OntoBase, OntoFS, and the other components many months and years before.

    This is not a collision of interests but a copyright infringement because the combination of the kernel-less and capability-based operating system properties is already very exotic and hence original and unique. But our claim is emphasized by the further combination with the other Ontologic System (OS) properties and features, such as the basic properties listed on the webpage Overview and the particular properties and features of our OntoBase and OntoFS components (see also the last investigative case of the Investigations::Multimedia, AI and KM of the 28th of August 2017), and by the fact that this architecture and this functionality of an operating system is also a part of our Ontologic System (OS).

    Last but not least, this was a frontal attack on the related microkernel developers, the open source community, the sciences, the arts, and even the whole public. We hope that the owner of this mailing list will kick out that plagiarist before we will do it and also refuse to collaborate with the responsible entity. The DMCA complaint for the software development platform Github has been sketched already.

    Website update
    We have transformed the comment made yesterday into the Investigations::Multimedia, as announced.

    Investigations::Multimedia, AI and KM

  • Apple: For sure, the company Apple continues to steal parts of our original and unique multimedia works of art titled Ontologic System and Ontoscope, and created by C.S. (see for example the Investigations::Multimedia, AI and KM of the 23rd of June 2017).
    From a first report we got the information that "Apple is also expected to integrate more advanced systems for its camera, including augmented reality and further enhancement of its computation photography system, which combines the images from multiple cameras on the back into one photo. [Augmented Reality (AR) belongs to the essential parts of our Ontologic System and Ontoscope, as can be easily seen with the related point listed in the section Basic Properties of the webpage Overview and the section Mixed Reality of the webpage Links to Software of the website of OntoLinux. In addition, a non-expert recognized the digital camera at the back as two cameras, and multiple sensors, such as two cameras for example, are a characteristic feature of our Ontoscope.]".
    From a second report we got the information that "[... the stolen virtual assistant] will sync across devices, letting details it has picked up from your phone affect how it answers on your iPad or computer. The service is also seeing a slight refocus: [The stolen virtual assistant] isn’t just a voice assistant anymore, since “[the stolen virtual assistant]” will also be responsible for suggesting topics in Apple News based on your web browsing, or for suggesting a calendar event if you make a booking online. [Synchonization across devices is a feature listed in the Feature-List #2. In addition, such applications are Ontologic Applications, as can be easily seen by the fact that the stolen virtual assistant reflects a user's habbits to give recommendations or suggestions.]".

    What people do not understand, specifically journalists, hardware and software developers, and managers, in relation with the copyright is what the judgement of Judge Birss made very clear (see the Pictures of the Day of the 25th of July 2013 and the related comment): It is not about an ordinary technological progress or the combination of prior art in a bottom-up approach, but about taking an original and unique work as blueprint and making a copy in whole or in part in a top-down approach without creating a work with an own expression respectively without avoiding a causal link with the original and unique work.
    And that our Evolutionary operating system (Evoos), Ontologic System (OS), and Ontoscope are original and unique has been proven several times in the last years and even recently once again in an implicit way with a competition of self-expression by photographing, specifically by taking self-portrait photographs or selfies, with a smartphone declared as an artistic tool, which for sure has been inspired by but is far away from the self-expression of C.S. by self-portraying, self-enhancing, and self-extending with all three works as part of the fields of bionics, cybernetics, robotics, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), as well as their revival and the introduction of the field of SoftBionics (SB), and as part of the fields of photography, filming, playing, and so on in particular and multimedia in general.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    We designed the first models of our new speeder bike model series (see also the Further steps of the 6th of June 2017 and 17th of August 2017).

    Ontonics Further steps
    We worked on the business model of our self-flying taxi service (see also the Style of Speed Further steps of the 13th of May 2017). Our fans and customers will be totally amazed and beside themselves with joy.

    We also noted that the lists of potential customers of our delivery drone service and our other air logistic services are getting longer and longer.
    Also see the Ontologic Web Further steps of the 10th of May 2017 for example.

    Furthermore, we worked on a variant of one of our technologies but we are not sure if it is an improvement.

    We also improved the production process of devices of one of our technologies in three different ways (see also the Further steps of the 29th of August 2017).

    Comments of the Day
    "Fiat iustitia et pereat mundus."
    "Let justice be done, though the world perish."
    "Es soll Gerechtigkeit geschehen und gehe die Welt darüber zugrunde.", [Pope Hadrian VI. and Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I]

    "Fiat iustitia aut pereat mundus."
    "Let justice be done or else the world perish."
    "Es soll Gerechtigkeit geschehen, sonst geht die Welt zugrunde.", [King Friedrich Wilhelm I.]

    "Fiat iustitia ne pereat mundus."
    "Let justice be done lest the world perish."
    "Es soll Gerechtigkeit geschehen, damit nicht die Welt zugrunde geht.", [Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises]

    Take the one that most fit your philosophy.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We got a hint by a nice person, that led to a review of two electric energy storage devices of us and the combination of them in an interesting way.

    Investigations::Car #414

  • Volkswagen: For sure, we knew that the company Volkswagen and its subsidiaries are continuing with stealing our intellectual properties related with the original and unique multimedia works of art titled Ontologic System and Ontoscope, and created by C.S., specifically in relation with vehicles in particular and mobility in general. From a report of a automotive paper of one of the larger media companies in Europe we got the following informations: "Even before the series start of [a concept car the company] wants to make easier the daily life of the customers with diverse services. For example, the [...] commerce service. Strictly speaking, it is about a platform of deals. If the gasoline is running out, the car uses this information and not only navigates you to the favorite gasoline station, but offers matching vouchers depending on the availability. This can be a snack or a discounted wash. "Under the hood" is the technology of IBMs super intelligence Watson by the way."
    From a related report of the same automotive magazine we got the additonal information: "In addition, [the company] signed a five-year agreement with the IT giant IBM for the joint development of digital mobility services. The goal would be after [the company's head of sales], "to develop personalized digital services for the driver and in this way to actively shape the trend of the increasing networking between vehicles and drivers"."
    Obviously, all these personalized digital mobility services are Ontologic Applications and the connection of the multimedia environment already stolen in the past (see all the related Investigations::Car) with the illegal plagiarism of the part of the cognitive computing and cognitive agent of our Ontologic System done by the company International Business Machines (see its case in the Investigations::Multimedia, AI and KM of the 8th of July 2017) is also a part of our Ontologic Web (OW) and the related computing and mutlimedia platforms of our business divisionStyle of Speed, which again are parts of our Ontologic System (see also the Style of Speed Further steps of the 16th of March 2017, Ontologic Web Further steps of the 10th of May 2017, the messages Lawsuit changed and Interim injunction to ban Volkswagen operating systems and services required of the 23rd of June 2017, and Interim injunction to ban IBM Watson and cloud computing systems and services required of the 9th of July 2017, as well as the messages Interim injunction to ban Daimler operating systems and services required of the 4th of August 2017, and also the Website review and Clarification of the 23rd of August 2017).
    In fact, we have here the next clear evidences of several infringements of laws that protect the rights of the public and us, comprising the several times documented infringement of our copyright and exploitation of our reputation and goodwill, and therefore the act of unfair business practices and unfair competition, as well as ts abuse of market power. In addition, we have here an illegal agreement with the company International Business Machines, illegal agreements with automotive suppliers, and illegal agreements with the specialized press.
    Eventually, we also got the ultimate proof for all of our claims made in the last years once again, as can be easily seen with the combination of for example the distributed computing platform (includes Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing, grid computing, cloud computing, and edge computing), cognitive computing platform and cognitve agent system, Intelligent Personal Assistant (IPA) or Personal Intelligent Assistant (PIA), Multimodal User Interface (MUI), unique user identity and related identity management or identity and access management system, access control system, and user account control enhancement, and other elements and features of our Ontologic System (OS) integrated by our Ontologic System Architecture (OSA), the Active Components, and computing and multimedia systems and applications of our business unit Style of Speed based on our OS with the cognitive computing and cloud computing platform of our OS in large parts based on our Evolutionary operating system (Evoos), that all were copied in the past from our OS illegally in a top-down approch by taking our OSA as a blueprint respectively without avoiding a causal link with our original and unique works.
    Besides this, we also have the related issue with the so-called Industry 4.0 and comparable industrial initiatives where all participants are also acting in the same illegal ways.

    Original vs. Inspiration
    1. row: Falcon East, American Aircraft, or American Aerolites, Falcon XP
    2. row: Falcon East, American Aircraft, or American Aerolites, Optima respectively Falcon 2000
    3. row: Velocity, XL-S Child's Play and SUV
    4. row: Velocity, XL-S Child's Play, back seat and cockpit

    Falcon East, American Aircraft, or American Aerolites→Falcon XPFalcon East, American Aircraft, or American Aerolites→Falcon XP
    Falcon East, American Aircraft, or American Aerolites→Optima respectively Falcon 2000
    Velocity→XL-S Child's Play and SUV
    Velocity→XL-S Child's Play Back Seatelocity→XL-S Child's Play Cockpit
    © Falcon East, American Aircraft, and Velocity

    These are our first favorite airplanes for our Hoverplane of Style of Speed. See also the Style of Speed Further steps of today.

    The Speeder™
    The Hover™

    SOPR #1

  • In-vehicle platform
    • Complete system architecture and environment
  • Freedom of choice of service provider
    • Solution for problems

    In-vehicle platform
    Now that virtually every automobile manufacturer has taken a part of our copyrighted original and unique Ontologic System (OS) with its Ontologic Net (ON), Ontologic Web (OW), and Ontologic uniVerse (OV), such as for example the

  • Multimodal User Interface (MUI),
  • unique user identity and related identity management and access control system, and
  • connection to or integration of a cloud computing system,

    we are wondering how a customer for example

  • gets the choice to select another content provider than the individual manufacturers with their proprietary contents and
  • can take her or his data to another vehicle

    at all.

    Freedom of choice of service provider
    Luckily, with our OS, ON, OW, and OV we already provide a complete system architecture and envrionment, that solves such problems and other emerging problems as the original and unique, and even only legal solution.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    We made another one of our quick and dirty doodles, which shows our Speeder Bike 1 in the modern design style this time (see also the Further steps of the 7th of September 2017).
    Style of Speed Speeder Bike
    © :), :I, and Style of Speed

    See also the Swoop 1 in the Further steps of the 13th of May 2017 and the Swoop 2 in the Further steps of the 6th of June 2017.
    Now, it should be clear for what you are saving up your precious money. The Speeder Bike 1 can be pre-ordered by email at Style of Speed.

    Vaughan, where are the breaks? Look at Rey's speeder bike. Also, use thicker cables for the repulsorlift engines because they are no loudspeakers. :D

    In addition, we also made some decisions in relation with our Hoverplane of the first generation (see the Orignal vs. Inspiration of today and the related Further steps of the 16th and 17th of May 2017, and 3rd of August 2017).
    Our ultralight and light Hoverplanes have

  • the Certificate of Airworthiness (CofA),
  • environmental friendly propulsion systems,
  • very quite propulsion systems as option,
  • very safe and reliable Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) capability,
  • very wide variety of customization options, and
  • affordable basic prices in the range of the cost of larger battery electric cars.

    Complete hoverplanes are built by our partners or us. Make your pre-order today. Yeah. :D

    We already overworked the shown designs and also other designs, such as for example the Blended Wing Body (BWB) design of the company Wingco, for the next generation of our Hoverplanes gradually transforming them to Hoverpods, which will have a significantly reduced wingspan, windshield wipers, and other advanced components depending on the respective model and variant.

    Btw.: Hurry up and speed up with the construction and installation of our electric vehicle charging stations. :)
    We are also thinking once again about giving our clean diesel fuel to civil services, like rescue, fire brigade, and police, for free, when they are utilizing our hovercrafts.

    Serious investors, and aircraft and automotive suppliers are welcome. Respecting our copyright in relation with our original and unique multimedia works of art titled Ontologic System and Ontoscope as well as Hoverinium, Pervasive Hovering, and Hovering Computing, all created by C.S., as well as licensing when using one or more of them in whole or in part is mandatory.


    Ontonics Further steps
    Already some days ago, we found out that a constructional feature of a basic device, which is based on a specific technology of us, limits the performance of this device and concluded that the variant of one of our other technologies mentioned in the Further steps of the 8th of September 2017 should not have this limit, which is an improvement we have not had in mind at first.

    We also looked once again on said specific technology, better understood our concept and corresponding designs of devices and became more familiar with them in this way (see the Further steps of the 14th and 29th of August 2017 and 8th of September 2017), and came to the conclusion that potentially we have improved other devices based on related technologies also with the same significance, which would yield in more significant effects so to say as a chain reaction of technological progress in the related fields but also in fields that apply only a part of this concept in the same way.

    iRaiment Further steps
    We worked on an older concept and looked at different form factors.

    Comment of the Day
    "It is an Ontoscope."

    Style of Speed Further steps
    We are very pleased to make a very special offer to enthusiasts and collectors of uncomparable sports vehicle:
    The 750 Monza Hover Spyder.

    As a true marvel of engineering the 750 Monza Hover Spyder

  • has a first class coachwork alone worth 300.000 U.S. Dollar,
  • is based on the special repulsorlift engine Stark Mark III, also known as hover wheel, of our Speeder platform,
  • will be built up in a limited edition of only 5 hovercars, and
  • is placed for 10 million U.S. Dollar.

    Style of Speed 750 Monza Hover Spyder Hovercar respectively Airspeeder
    © :(, iCollector.com, and Style of Speed

    If there is interest, we might also establish a limited edition of Steve McQueen's 917 hovercar shown in the Further steps of 11th of August 2017.
    Custom made hovercars can be built up on request.

    Comment of the Day
    Parionic computing™

    SOPR #2

  • Copyright infringement
  • Exploitation of reputation and goodwill
  • Unfair business practice
  • Estimation of costs of or damages for reproducing our works

    Copyright infringement
    The interested members of the public and all entities concerned should simply take a look at the terms and their combinations, that are used for the descriptions of for example smartphones, connected cars, and online services. They all are directly copied or just only edited contents, that we have publicated and semantically connected with each other on our websites, such as

  • Ontologics OntoLinux,
  • OntomaX,
  • Ontonics, and
  • Style of Speed.

    This means that we have at least a syntactical copyright infringement and for many companies worldwide it would be much more intelligent and advantageous to not risk to get the issue to the courts and in this way avoid that a judge sets the fees and compensations as demanded. By the way: Due to the evidences these would be very short processes.

    Exploitation of reputation and goodwill
    In addition, the exploitation of our reputation and goodwill in relation with presenting our inventions as own inventions by other entities is obvious.
    This means that we have unfair business practices and for the many companies worldwide it would be much more intelligent and advantageous to not risk to get the issue to the courts and in this way avoid that a judge gives us the right that OntoLab, Ontonics, Ontologics, or another mark of us has to be placed in every user manual and on every product and related webpage, or even introduces some kind of a ban from everything C.S. does. By the way: These would be longer processes but due to the evidences the judgements would be strong and far-reaching.

    Unfair business practice
    Furthermore, the market regulators will not find many of the conducted activities very funny.
    This means once again that we have unfair business practices and for the many companies worldwide it would be much more intelligent and advantageous to not risk to get the issue to the antitrust regulators and in this way avoid that a market regulator gives us the right that OntoLab, Ontonics, Ontologics, or another mark of us has to be placed in every user manual and on every product and related webpage. By the way: These would be longer processes and judgements might include company break-ups.

    Last but not least, none of the many companies worldwide want to get more details into the public.
    This means that for the many companies worldwide it would be much more intelligent and advantageous to not risk respectively avoid further related publications.

    Estimation of costs of or damages for reproducing our works
    That said, each single reproduction of a sentence like:

  • a bionic chip with artificial neural network functionality used for a 3D camera or 3D scanner, and augmented reality is worth up to 200 U.S. Dollar or more with all the arguments given above,
  • a vehicle (e.g. car of flying taxi) with multimodal user interface, cloud computing based mapping service, and personal intelligent assistant is worth up to 300 U.S. Dollar or more, and
  • an operating system with voice based assistant, and support for augmented reality, virtual reality, or mixed reality is worth up to 200 U.S. Dollar or more.

    Furthermore, each single reproduction is given with the sale of a related hardware and software, or the provision of a service, because every customer has the right on a manual, which includes or is a rework of such a sentence eventually. In addition, such a sentence has been distributed by publications in the World Wied Web 100 millions of times.
    These are only examples to give a first impression that is not binding.

    We are sure that all companies have such clever in-house lawyers, who are able to realize the situation correctly and give recommendations to the managements accordingly.
    In some weeks, we have all time of the world to talk with everybody concerned. We tell the prices, you tell us your wishes, and then we will fix that. :)

    Ontoscope Further steps
    We are very pleased to announce our new Ontoscope model, which is operated by the related features of another original and unique multimedia work of art of us, our Ontologic System (OS) with its system immanent support for High Performance and High Productivity Computing (HP²C), as well as self-reconfiguring robotics, claytronics, and parionics.

    The image below shows a related design concept based on swarm robotics respectively swarm-engineering of our business division Roboticle comprising single units each having a dimension of 2×2×2 mm.
    We have optimized the original design with for example displays having a much higher resolution, touch and haptic modalities, and some other special components. What we find specifically interesting are the conceptual features that different modular basic elements can be used to realize arbitrary large mobile devices and the basic elements can be easily transported by a user.

    © :) and OntoLab

    A new world has begun in 2006 and that was only the beginning.
    Also see the OntoLix and OntoLinux Website update of today.

    OntoLix and OntoLinux Website update
    In the section Basic Properties of the webpage Overview we added the field of:

  • Synthetic Reality Environment (SRE)

    respectively copied it from its section Synthetic Reality on the webpage Terms of the 21st Century.

    We also added to the webpage of the OntoBlender component the paradigm of:

  • parionic computing

    respectively copied it from its section Parionics of the webpage Terms of the 21st Century, and also added the points:

  • SoftBionics (SB)
    • Machine Learning (ML), and
    • Evolutionary Computing (EC),

    respectively copied them from their section SoftBionics and Artificial Intelligence 3 of the webpage Terms of the 21st Century and sorted the existing point Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the field of SB.

    Also see the section Replicator #2 of the webpage Terms of the 21st Century.

    Comment of the Day
    "Designed by OntoLab - Powered by Ontologics"

    Ontonics Further steps
    We developed our version of a technology, that is much faster than other realizations of it, and also began to develop a production process for its parts, components, modules, systems, and devices.

    We also developed a new material of our Flexinium class.

    SOPR #3

  • Legal matter
    • Idea to demand statements "Designed by OntoLab" and "Powered by Ontologics"
  • Estimation of costs of or damages for product presentations

    Legal matter
    Maybe it would not be such a bad idea to demand that the statements "Designed by OntoLab" and "Powered by Ontologics" are shown on every smartwatch and smartphone, as well as on every trunk lid and dashboard of vehicles, etc.. :)

    Estimation of costs of or damages for product presentations
    We are trying to calculate how much the presentations of

  • an actual operating system of the company Google,
  • actual smartphone models and an actual smartwatch model of the company Apple, and
  • actual concept cars of the marque Volkswagen→Audi

    would cost if we assume that we get for every audience in the World Wide Web (WWW) only 1 U.S. Dollar.

  • Google: 500 - 1,000 million U.S. Dollar or more depending on an estimation of the count of audiences,
  • Apple: 500 - 1,000 million U.S. Dollar or more depending on an estimation of the count of audiences, and
  • Audi: 500 - 1,000 million U.S. Dollar or more depending on an estimation of the count of audiences.

    For sure, this is only an exemplary thought model, which lacks a precise calculation including illegal profits from the alleged infringements, triple damages, and so on, but seems to be needed for creating a feeling or sensitivity for the inflicted damages by those deliberately conducted gatecrashes and for aligning the upcoming negotiations in the right direction. :)

    Comment of the Day
    Grid fog™
    Grid matter™
    Semantic fog™
    Semantic matter™
    Cognitive fog™
    Cognitive matter™

    Somehow we always had a feeling that we have not explained everything in relation with our Ontologic uniVerse (OV) of our Ontologic System (OS), because it felt not exotic, original and unique enough in the last year, and then we realized in the last days that due to usualness for us and its age we have simply forgotten to mention in the Clarification of the 16th of April 2016 that the OV also comprises Synthetic Reality (SR) with claytronics, programmable matter, and parionics by the design of our OS, specifically its Caliber/Calibre.

    The terms and related concepts listed in the Comment of the Day were already introduced with our OS and therefore belong to our OV on the one hand and are self-describing on the other hand. Simply add to the semantic web and semantic grid, as well as the cognitive web and the cognitve grid the field of SR, as we did with the original and unique multimedia works of art titled Ontologic System and Ontoscope.
    Please keep in mind in this context, that the Ontoscope is based on the fields of cybernetics and robotics as well (see also the Ontoscope Further steps of the 14th of September 2017).

    Ontonics Further steps
    In the last two days we looked at one of our technologies and were wondering all the time because we were not able to comprehend that it is already ready for the prototyping phase, which is even for us quite surprising because it belongs to the crazy stuff.

    SOPR #4

  • Acts of telecommunications companies
  • Illegal agreements
  • Estimation of costs of or damages for advertising with our works

    Acts of telecommunications companies
    Telecommunications companies deliberately sell smartphones despite very well knowing that these devices and the related publications for their marketing are illegal plagiarisms.

    Illegal agreements
    In addition, we have here the next illegal agreements of telecommunications companies with other companies to damage our company, because it is common practice that devices like smartphones are sold exclusively by a telecommunications company and there are evidences that this is the case this time as well.

    Estimation of costs or compensation

    Furthermore, every advertisement using our website contents is a copyright infringement, which includes the stores of telecommunications companies as well as every single (distinguishable) visitor of their websites where the infringing materials are publicated. Said this, 1 million website visitors per months for example makes at least 1 million euro but most potentially much more as license fee, profit made with the infringing materials and triple damages not included. And this is only for one mobile device.

    Needless to say, the same holds for every other company worldwide.
    In the last years, we warned so many times not to take our Intellectual Properties (IPs) without allowance and what we do next is building up our Society for multimedia performing, and digital and mechanical reproduction rights comparable to the Society for musical performing and mechanical reproduction rights==Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte (GEMA).

    Thank you very much for understanding, cooperation, and support. :)

    OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
    For a special version we are thinking about including the Facebook IDentification (FID) into OntoDroid for example.

    Comment of the Day
    Synthetic net™
    Synthetic web™
    Synthetic grid™
    Synthetic cloud™
    Synthetic computing™
    Cognitve reality™

    OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
    As some kind of a new type of Ontologic Application and for example our Ontoscope SR (see the Ontoscope Further steps of the 14th of September 2017), we developed a Synthetic Reality (SR) mask or shield.
    A 2D image of a user is sufficient for generating the mask or shield by the OntoBot and OntoBlender software components of our Ontologic System (OS) OntoLinux.

    See also the sections Changeling, Shapeshifter and Transformer and Extended Indentity of the webpage Terms of the 21st Century of the website of OntoLinux and the Original of the 31st of July 2016.

    OntoLix and OntoLinux Website update
    We copied the contents of the Further steps of the 29th of August 2017 to the new section History of the OntoCore webpage (see also the Website update of the 28th of August 2017 and the Further steps of the 29th of August 2017).

    Furthermore, we were informed by the developers of the Linux® kernel based distribution Gentoo that the developers of the set of security enhancement patches for the Linux kernel, grsecurity, have changed their business plan that does not correspond with our requirements for listing a work anymore. Accordingly, we have removed the link to:

  • Brad Spengler and supporters: grsecurity/PaX

    in the section Operating System of the webpage Links to Software.
    In fact, the patch set was not needed anymore anyway due to the advanced features of our OntoCore software component.

    Style of Speed Further steps
    We are pleased to announce that we have expanded our clean diesel fuel and clean gasoline program with clean electric power for electric vehicles for free (see also the Further steps of the 27th and 28th of July 2017, and 10th of August 2017).
    Even better the diesel fuel, gasoline, and electric power is delivered directly to the vehicle for a very small basic fee of around 5 to 10 U.S. Dollar or 5 to 10 euro.

    Please note that the diesel fuel and gasoline options apply only for vehicles optimized by Style of Speed while the electric power option applies for every electric vehicle in general with up to 150 kW battery capacity.
    Furthermore, we highly recommend to access and pay for our service with legal vehicles, devices, operating systems, applications, and services. Maybe we introduce an option that charge additional 5 U.S Dollar or 5 euro per charge for unsupported services, but we do not think so actually.

    Join the Bright Side of Power. Become a member of our mobility club.

    By the way:
    An engineer of a company claimed that an infrastructure with roads that include charging pads for electric vehicles could be installed in 10 to 15 years.
    In 15 years everybody in this world will use or even own one of our Hoverpods.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have developed a new material that solves a problem of a similar original material.

    SOPR #5

  • Legal matter
  • Terminal date for accepted prior art
  • License Model (LM)
    • Development
    • Suggestion of fees and share
  • Billing period, place, and account
  • Estimation of costs of or damages for product presentations

    Legal matter
    When making considerations about legal matters, that are related with our Intellectual Properties (IPs) and relevant for our collecting rights management, we will

  • consider aspects like
    • original and unique,
    • unforeseeable and unexpected,
    • confusion of the broad public about the true origin of our Ontologic System (OS) and our Ontoscope (Os),
    • reputation and goodwill of C.S. and our corporation, and
    • all the other aspects discussed in the clarifications given on the website of our corporation


  • differentiate between
    • syntactic copies, for example a
      • direct copy,
      • rework, and
      • merely composition of same or similar terms without new expression


    • semantic respectively artistic copies, for example a
      • same expression,
      • similar expression (e.g. (self-)reflection, cybernetics, etc.).

    Furthermore, we apply the rules that

  • if an aspect is not exactly decidable then we take the decision in favor of our licensees,
  • a decision has to be clearly communicated and documented, and
  • a deadline is set individually to reach consensus.

    Terminal date for accepted prior art
    The terminal date for accepted prior art is the 29th of October 2006.

  • older prior art and
  • newer art

    will be handled in accordance with the judgement of Judge Birss, which means that showing a causal link with our Ontologic System Architecture (OSA) and our Ontoscope Architecture (OsA) is sufficient and decisive in relation with plagiarizing syntactic and semantic compositions of other works (of art).
    In this respect, we also have developed a heuristic to measure an ordinary technological progress, which among other criteria is based on

  • a self-developed metric based on the combination of prior art and
  • the judgement of Judge Birss (e.g. causal link with our OSA and our OsA) as well.

    License Model (LM)
    When drafting our license model, we follow the licensing practice applied in the fields of

  • music, painting, photo, and video, and also
  • hardware and software, as well as
  • patents.

    When going into more detail, we have to consider the

  • Ontologic System (OS),
  • Ontoscope (Os), and also
  • projects listed in the Innovation-Pipeline of Ontonics.

    Problematic are the Ontologic Applications (OA) and the related app stores and service platforms, because each copyright protected Ontologic Application is essentially a business unit of our corporation.

    When considering all aspects over the last 8 years, we always come to a license model that includes the following positions:

  • fee for every single reproduction of the OS in the range of 0.1 to 15 U.S. Dollar,
  • fee for every single reproduction of the Os in the range of 0.1 to 15 U.S. Dollar, and
  • share of the revenue realized with every OA in the range of 5 to 25%. (The range was adjusted to 25% on the 20th of September 2017.)

    We are thinking about reducing or clearing the cost for the reproduction of the OS and the Os in the case of OA.
    The very high amount of licensed items or objects will not be considered by us for an adjustment of our license model, because these works still belong to our visions and it is still our genius.

    At this point we would like to recall that

  • a smart speaker with camera or touch-sensitive sensor or both is a multimodal device, and the same holds for other objects, like e.g. a refrigerator, and
  • Augmented Reality (AR) is also used in the field of the Industry 4.0, which should be combined with other AR services.

    Billing period, place, and account
    The billing period is each quarter in accordance with the presentation of the publication of the balance sheet of a licensee.
    In addition, our licensees

  • have the free choice of billing place and billing account, and
  • will get more support and possibilities for further collaborations.

    Estimation of costs of or damages for product presentations
    We got the numbers and first estimations:

  • We have 1.5 billion smartphones for the year 2016.
  • We assume 1.4 billion smartphones for the year 2015.
  • We assume 1.25 billion smartphones for the year 2014.

    We also assume that 99% were smartphones of the company Apple and the member companies of the Android consortium and were operated by the operating systems iOS of Apple and Android of Google.
    We also have to consider the amounts of

  • tablet computers,
  • smart TVs,
  • smartwatches,
  • data glasses or smart glasses,
  • Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs),
  • In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) systems,
  • robots, drones, etc.,
  • etc..

    That being said, each single reproduction of a sentence like:

  • a bionic chip with artificial neural network functionality used for a 3D camera or 3D scanner, and augmented reality is worth up to 200 U.S. Dollar or more with all the arguments given above,
  • a vehicle (e.g. car of flying taxi) with multimodal user interface, cloud computing based mapping service, and personal intelligent assistant is worth up to 300 U.S. Dollar or more, and
  • an operating system with voice-based assistant, and support for augmented reality, virtual reality, or mixed reality is worth up to 200 U.S. Dollar or more.

    Furthermore, each single reproduction is given with the sale of a related hardware and software or the delivery of a service, because every customer has the right on a manual, which includes or is a rework of such a sentence eventually.
    Particularly, each user of the

  • operating system Android Oreo,
  • smartphone Galaxy Note 8,
  • operating systems MacOS, iOS, and WatchOS,
  • martphones iPhone 8 and iPhone X,
  • operating system Windows

    must get an individual manual as required by law.

    In addition, such a sentence has been distributed by publications in the World Wide Web 100 millions of times.
    The following examples are based on the assumption of 500 million to 1 billion audiences worldwide: The presentation of the

  • operating system Android Oreo of the company Google,
  • smartphone Galaxy Note 8 of the company Samsung,
  • operating systems MacOS, iOS, and WatchOS of the company Apple,
  • martphones iPhone 8 and iPhone X of the company Apple,
  • operating system Windows of the company Microsoft,
  • concept cars Elaine and Aicon of the company Volkswagen→Audi,
  • concept cars Crozz and Buzz of the company Volkswagen

    cost each between 500 million and 15 billion U.S. Dollar.

    In addition:

  • The marketing of the smartphone Galaxy Note 8 of the company Samsung by a telecommunications company cost between 500 million and 15 billion U.S. Dollar.
  • The marketing of the smartphones iPhone 8 and iPhone X of the company Apple by a telecommunications company cost together between 500 million and 15 billion U.S. Dollar.

    For sure, such costs for the presentation and the marketing will be decreased or even cleared with the final license fee for the manual or other ways of reproduction. But we have to begin with counting the reproductions in the right way.

    These are only non-binding examples to give a first impression. (These examples were publicated on the 14th of September 2017 the first time.)

    By the way: We planned and created this process around 14 years ago when the whole world only knew (the forerunner of) the smartphone as a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) with cell phone module, did not know how to spell augmented reality, and viewed K.I.T.T. only as a thing for little children, morons, and ... C.S. with our autonomous electric car with multimodal user interface, cognitive computing, and all the other stuff.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We looked at the foundations of one of our technologies once again (see for example the Further steps of the 10th of September 2017) and sorted out the puzzle pieces. At least two puzzle pieces have been laid on the table and we can already see how they will fit together with other puzzle pieces laid on the table or to be found in the future.

    iRaiment Further steps
    We worked on the designs of two new models of our Thin Watch series (see for example the Further steps of the 19th and 20th of July 2016, and 27th of March 2017).

    Roboticle Further steps
    Ceci n'est pas un drone, aussi==This is not a drone, too

    The image shows the first design of our new Thin Drone I that is based on the same Hoverdrone™ respectively Quadrovector™ or Quadvector™ platform with anti-gravity devices, and a camera module for imaging and First-Person View (FPV) piloting like our Swiss Army Drone (see the Further steps of the 18th of August 2017).
    Roboticle Thin Drone I Hoverdrone Quadvector with Anti-gravity Devices
    © :I, Roboticle, and C.S.

    The sketch might not show the final design and dimensions.

    SOPR #6

  • Legal matter
    • Unmanned Aerical Vehicles (UAVs)

    Legal matter
    We noticed that several companies in the area of flying drones have added capabilities of the fields of

  • SoftBionics (SB), which includes the fields of
    • Artificial Intelligence (AI),
    • Machine Learning (ML),
    • Computer Vision (CV),
    • Multi-Agent System (MAS),
    • Evolutionary Computing (EC),
    • Common Sense Computing (CSC),
    • etc.,
  • distributed computing, which includes
    • Peer-to-Peer (P2P) computing,
    • grid computing, cloud computing, and edge computing,
    • etc.,
  • and other fields

    integrated with our Ontologic System Architecture (OSA).
    For example, all personal drones and autonomous flying taxis have copied the related webpages of our Personal Aerial Vehicles (PAVs) of our business unit Style of Speed and in this way at least infringed our copyright and exploited our reputation and goodwill. The inflicted damage is significant, as can be seen by the media coverage about that plagiarism from the P.R.China.
    In this relation, we would also like to mention that we have a paper of a research project, which has been publicated even before our webpages, that will be taken as the reference document.

    Consequently, our legal team of our Society for Ontological Performance and Reproduction (SOPR) has added them to the list of observed companies as well.

    Roboticle Further steps
    Ceci n'est pas un drone, aussi aussi==This is not a drone, too too

    The images below show two design sketches of our new Thin Drone II, that is the Thin Drone I (see the Further steps of yesterday) with a dual-lens camera respectively 3D camera, in the variants of a Hovercam and a Hoverscope.
    Roboticle Thin Drone II Hoverdrone Quadvector with Anti-gravity Devices
    Roboticle Thin Drone II Hoverdrone Quadvector with Anti-gravity Devices
    © :I, Roboticle, and C.S.

    Who does not want to have our Thin Drone at hand, the ultimate not-a-drone for selfie taking. :D
    The sketches might not show the final designs and dimensions.

    This is what we make!

    In addition, we have developed a new basic technology and some components based on it.

    We can also report that our hoverbot model Eve (see the Further steps of the 4th of February 2017) got new capabilities and became much better in this way.

    On a very well known website, we found the following content: "Referred to as an early proponent of lifelogging and perhaps the most extreme example of self-tracking since 2003, [a] conceptual media artist [...] has embarked on an ambitious project, 2004-2040, to understand himself. Starting with tracking everything his right (dominant) hand has used, he’s slowly added on different tracking and documentation projects. Keeping the focus on himself and his surrounding has helped him connect to himself and the world around him. [The artist] differentiates from common lifeloggers in that he does not automate the process of capturing, organizing and retrieving his lifelog, but he accomplishes this manually, programming his own behaviour to do so [...]. In addition, his approach can be conceived more as a classic attempt to unify under one system of representation, his conscious and subconscious."

    Obviously, this has been formulated in such a way that it reflects the actings conducted by C.S. since around 1997 with the multimedia works of art titled Evolutionary operating system (Evoos), Ontologic System, and Ontoscope in many fields (also see for example the last section of the case of the company Apple in the Investigations::Multimedia, AI and KM of the 5th of September 2017 and the many other discussions, explanations, and clarifications given on the website of OntomaX).

    Ontonics Further steps
    We took a solution out of our stocks and improved our technology of magneto-inductive near-field wireless power transmission even more, which should be able to wirelessly transfer electric power efficiently and safely over a distance of up to 3 feet/91 cm in its basic realization. With other improvements based on our other related solutions we hope to reach 6 to 7 feet/183 to 213 cm and make many applications possible, specifically wirelessly powering complete rooms, buildings, and environments (see also the Ontonics Further steps of the 5th of March 2015, and the Style of Speed Further steps, Ontologic Net Further steps, and Ontologic Web Further steps of today). Wireless power cradles, pads, mats, and such alike, as used with e.g. the Witricity system and the Qi standard, are already history.

    Ontologic Net Further steps
    We added our newest near-field wireless power transmission technology to our Ontologic Net (ON) router and home hub devices (see also the Ontologic Net Further steps of the 28th of October 2016, and the Ontonics Further steps and Ontologic Web Further steps of today).

    Voice-based assistant is always included but batteries are not (anymore). :D

    Ontologic Web Further steps
    We are thinking about providing our clean electric power for mobile devices for our Ontologic Web (OW) club members and owners of legal Ontoscope based mobile devices for free with our advanced hotspots that provide wireless Ontologic Net (ON) access and wireless power transmission (see also the Ontologic Net Further steps and Style of Speed Further steps of today).

    SOPR #7

  • Legal matter
    • Acquisations of and mimicking by Google
  • Damage compensation
    • Considerations about damages and unfair business acts
  • License Model (LM)
    • Graph-based system

    Legal matter
    We also looked at the acquisations of the company Google and got the proofs once again that

  • on the one hand its acquisations reflect our activities and works, specifically our Ontologic System and Ontoscope, and
  • on the other hand the company is imitating C.S. and our corporation 1:1 in the many various ways as already observed and documented.

    From our point of view there is nothing to discuss when it comes to the evidences and their legal interpretations, and not much or even nothing to discuss about the licenses fees and shares.

    Damage compensation
    Our legal team of our Society for Ontological Performance and Reproduction (SOPR) is also thinking about the question if the triple damages for unauthorized performances and reproductions (copies) and unfair business acts have been considered in our initial license model correctly.

    License Model (LM)
    In addition, we are working on a graph-based system that shows the connection of the essential parts of our Ontologic System and our Ontoscope with the connections labeled by their license fees. Licensees only need to mark one or more nodes and the system behind the graph shows automatically the overall license fee.
    But when we look at the latest cases of the companies Microsoft, HTC, IBM, and Apple, then we are directly at the highest fee, so that a calculation might not be needed at all anymore.

    We will also communicate the precise metric for differentiating components and OA as well.

    Ontoscope Further steps
    We added our newest near-field wireless power transmission technology to our newest Ontoscope model called Voxel presented in the Ontoscope Further steps of the 14th of September 2017 (see also the Ontonics Further steps and Roboticle Further steps of today).

    We also worked a little on our Ontoscope model called 2020 mentioned the first time in the Ontonics Further steps of the 17th of February 2017.

    Ontoscope 2020
    © :( and OntoLab

    As can be seen in the animation of our basic technology, the thickness of the frame and the positions of the buttons do not change.

    Roboticle Further steps
    We added our newest near-field wireless power transmission technology to our various platforms in the special fields of swarm robotics, self-reconfiguring robotics, and programmable matter platforms (see also the Ontonics Further steps, Ontoscope Further steps, and Style of Speed Further steps of today).

    It's not a trick - It's Roboticle

    Style of Speed Further steps
    We have improved our irail, ipad, and ibeam systems another time (see the Ontonics Further steps of today and the Style of Speed Further steps of the 22nd of July 2015).

    In relation with our Quickcharger Service Stations we are thinking once again about providing our clean electric power for electric vehicles for free for our mobility club members (see the Style of Speed Further steps of the 17th of September 2017 and also the Ontologic Web Further steps of today).

    Ontonics Further steps
    We are pleased to announce our new smart speaker model series that features our new near-field wireless power transmission technology (see the Ontonics Further steps of the 21st of September 2017).

    Voice-based assistant included.
    No battery required but included. :D

    SOPR #8

  • Legal matter
  • Damage compensation
  • License Model (LM)

    Legal matter
    Our Society for Ontological Performance and Reproduction (SOPR) got new data for precise and fair decisions making.

    Damage compensation
    We got more precise numbers of the sold handheld devices based on our Ontoscope for the year 2016:

  • Samsung 311m units 21%
  • Apple 215m units 15%
  • Huawei 139m units 9%
  • ...
  • HTC 13.9m units 0.9%.
  • Google 2m units

    A reporter and non-expert of a media company recognized that the reason behind the acquisition of a part of the device manufacturer HTC by the company Google is that "the smartphone game has rapidly become much more focused around the services the phone can deliver rather than the device itself", "what is in [the company]'s favour this time is [...] providing much tighter integration between hardware, the [operating system] Android [...] and Google's services", and "Google needs much better integration between hardware and software if its services are to continue to thrive", or simply said the true goal is to get our Ontoscope as well as the rest of our Ontologic System with its "artificially intelligent voice assistants" that it has already taken to a large extent with the operating system Android, as we have very precisely documented, and also its Ontologic Applications (OA).

    We get more and more the impression that nobody is really glad about this development with the sole exception of HTC, some media companies, and perhaps the company Amazon and some other companies, that also have an agreement with Google. The solution is simple and has been submitted in relation with vehicle manufacturers some days ago: License our Ontologic System Architecture (OSA), our Ontoscope Architecture (OsA), Ontologic Applications (OA), and our other works as needed and appropriated.

    But in the end, when the

  • license fee of 15 U.S. Dollar for a reproduction of our OSA,
  • license fee of 15 U.S. Dollar for a reproduction of our OsA,
  • share of up to 15% of the revenue generated with a performance of common OA, and
  • share of up to 25% of the revenue generated with a performance of OA, that are also components and basic properties of our OS (e.g. Mixed Reality (MR), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and SoftBionics (SB) (e.g. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Evolutionary Computing (EC), and Common Sense Computing (CSC)) operated on any type of Ontoscope and any computer as part of a distributed system),

    then it is fine for us, if Google or anybody else becomes a non-exclusive licensee.

    License Model (LM)
    "It's also the reason Google pays Apple $3bn a year to remain the default search provider on the iPhone."
    On a first look this fits with our License Model (LM).

    iRaiment Further steps
    We have developed a new basic wearable computer and intelligent raiment platform that features our new near-field wireless power transmission technology (see the Ontonics Further steps of the 21st of September 2017) and is utilized with wrist-worn, head-worn, and any other type of body-worn devices, such as smartwatches and smartglasses, and related derivatives of our Ontoscope technology.

    Investigations::Multimedia, AI and KM

  • HTC: We already started the preliminary investigation of HTC on the 12th of January 2017. And indeed, the company is selling unauthorized copies of our original and unique multimedia works of art titled Ontologic System and Ontoscope, and created by C.S.. We quote from the webpage of one of the related unauthorized Ontoscope models of the website of its subsidiary in the United Kingdom: "[...] we are always trying, always searching, always learning [...] [3³ Theme]", "[...] 3D liquid glass surface [...] [See the model Ontoscope 3D in the Ontoscope Further steps of the 18th of August 2012.]", "[...] UltraSpeed [...] [Compare with our trademark Ultraspeed™ created by us. See also our Ultra Devices.]", "[...] active noise cancellation [...] [This reflects the Active Components of Style of Speed, which are operated by our Ontologic System (OS) like every other device of us.]", "With the free HTC [voice-based assistant] app the [unauthorized Ontoscope model] is the world's first smartphone to launch [the voice-based assistant] voice service hands-free by simply saying '[The name of the voice-based assistant].' With Always-On Microphone capability, even when you're not using your phone you can wake it up by simply speaking to [the voice-based assistant]. You could ask "[The name of the voice-based assistant], what's the weather today?" or "[Name of the voice-based assistant], turn on my living room lights." HTC [voice-based assistant] gives you fast, easy access to [the voice-based assistant]'s extensive services. Shop for birthday presents. Create a shopping list. Get a Flash Briefing from your favorite news sources. Listen to music and audiobooks And so much more... [Obviously, with the execution of the specific voice-based assistant on an Ontoscope model it is proven that the voice-based assistant is a part of our OntoBot software component and all such services are Ontologic Applications.]", "What we take for granted is what we can also take advantage of, like something as common as gripping a phone. Edge Sense transforms this fundamental gesture into a completely new and revolutionary interaction with your phone. With a simple squeeze, Edge Sense lets you enjoy even more of the things you love. [Here we have the proof that the unauthorized Ontoscope model has parts of the Multimodal User Interface (MUI) of the OntoScope software component of our original OS and Ontoscope. See also the informations about our Flip-Flop technology given in the Ontonics Further steps of the 23rd of July 2014, the intelliTablet Further steps of the 24th January 2015, and the Ontoscope in the Further steps of the 31st of August 2015 to find the squeeze mode of the OntoScope software component.]", "Edge Sense dramatically expands the functionality of your phone. You can configure it to access a wide range of functions and applications. And with both Google [unauthorized Intelligent Personal Assistant (IPA)] and Amazon [voice-based assistant] just a squeeze away, you get two powerful voice assistants ready at your command! With one easy gesture, the HTC [unauthorized Ontoscope model] will assist you with anything you need, and it’s all up to you. [Once again, we got the evidence that our OS and Ontoscope have been copied, because essential parts of the integration of our OntoBot with its Natural Language Processing (NLP) capability, our OntoScope with its Multilingual Multimodal Multiparadigmatic Multidimensional Multimedia User Interface (M™UI), and our Ontologic Applications in accordance with our Ontologic System Architecture (OSA).]", "[...] taking pictures on your smartphone feels natural like you are actually using a camera. [Again, we have a reference to our Ontoscope, which also integrates the original Ontoscope 3D camera. In additiion, we have a reference to the fields of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Natural Image Processing (NIP), which are essential features of our OS also listed in the Feature-Lists.]", "Immerse yourself in purer audio. [The unauthorized Ontoscope model] introduces the latest version of HTC USonic, which now combines Active Noise Cancellation with the ability to tune audio to your unique hearing. Other headsets focus more on obtaining great sound quality while overlooking the fundamentals - each of our hearing structures are different. Our USonic earbuds map your inner ear with an advanced sonar-like technology and then adapt the sound profile to your unique biology. This creates an incredibly personal and optimized listening experience with vibrant audio shaped specifically for you [Obviously, this is a general feature of our Ontoscope Architecture (OsA), that comprises sensors of all kinds such as a 3D scanner, and a general feature of our Ontologic System Architecture (OSA) that is capable to reflect the user and to adapt to the user, as explicitly said on the webpages Overview and Caliber/Calibre of the website of our OS OntoLinux. The term immersion is a reference to Virtual Reality (VR), which can also be found in the section Basic Properties of the webpage Overview.]", "Immerse yourself [... -] Active Noise Cancellation continuously monitors environmental sound levels, and quickly adjusts to any new noises or disturbances. [As in the case of the quote before, this is a general feature of our OsA based on another type of sensor that in this case is a microphone.]", "Liquid Surface [-] Reflects U brilliantly [-] The liquid glass surface [...] we’ve created stunningly vivid new colors that transform light with every movement you make. [We already pointed to the Ontoscope 3D model. In addition, we have here the next evidence for the infringement of our rights with the slogan "Reflects U", which points directly to The Proposal, the Caliber/Calibre, and the Ontologic Applications of our OS.]", "Tri-Axis Symmetry [3³ Theme]", "With 3D glass [...] [And finally the term 3D is used in conjunction with the so-called liquid surface design, which provides the undeniable causal link with the Ontoscope 3D powered by our OS.]", "3D Glass Screen [At this point the public is misled in relation with 3D screens or 3D displays in general and our Ontoscope 3D in particular.]", "[...] has a 5.5" 3D glass screen designed to preserve the authenticity of the image. With our best display and true-to-life color reproduction, we provide you a purer full-framed viewing experience. Our display avoids the cropped pictures or distorted colors at the edge that are the results you can expect from a curved screen. [This copies the smartwatches shown in the iRaiment Further steps of the 3rd of March 2016, such as our iR Cybermax with such a curved glass of iRaiment. Such an act always shows the high grade of the intensity of reflecting C.S. and our corporation.]", "Fast and precise like the human eye [-] Through the combination of advanced hardware and software, HTC [unauthorized Ontoscope model] lets you focus on your subject fast and precise like the human eye, regardless of its position on the frame. [See The Proposal.]", "A camera you can trust not to miss a moment [This is a wordplay with our slogans Competence You Can Trust™, The Net You Can Trust™, and The Web You Can Trust™, that reflects the basic properties of our OS of being validated and verified, and specification- and proof-carrying, which means that an ontologic hardware or/and software system based on our Ontologic Computing paradigm will consistently behave in expected ways and in this way is trustworthy or a trusted system on the one hand and on the other hand is realized with our Trusted Computing Base (TCB) comprising our OntoL4 and OntoCore software components.]", "Relive your memories in 360° of sound [We always connect 360° with immersion and in this way with Virtual Environments (VEs).]", "Using four optimally positioned omni-directional microphones together with our new 360 Real-life Recording technology, HTC brings you our best 3D audio recording quality yet. The HTC [unauthorized Ontoscope model]'s microphones work together to record audio from all directions and with 360 Real-life Recording, you can zoom in on the video to target your subject and amplify their specific sounds. [The 4 microphones were copied from our Ontoscope models, like for example the models shown in the Ontoscope Further steps of the 6th and 11th of September 2014. In addition, we have here a reference to our Ontoscope 3D once again.]", "HTC Sense Companion [-] A smart digital companion for you [-] Inside every HTC [unauthorized Ontoscope model], you will find an AI companion who is devoted to you, and we’ve made it smarter than ever before. HTC Sense Companion will get to know you and your daily patterns over time in order to offer you more convenience with each and every day. [Needless to say, it is our OntoBot and our Ontologic Applications of our OS exectuted in our Ontoscope. The issue with the user interface called Sense started several years ago already and has been extended with a part of our OntoBot software component respectively an Intelligent Personal Assistant (IPA) or Personal Intelligent Assistant (PIA), which provides us the next undeniable evidence for the infringements of our rights by the company HTC. From the legal poiont of view, nobody should be under any illusions, because we gave exampling scenarios for our Ontologic Applications in relation with a mobile phone or cell phone, a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), and a vehicle in the year 2006 when the device class of the smartphone was not known at all, and the future development of the mobile devices as it happened was absolutely unforeseeable and unexpected at that time with only one exception: The works of C.S. showed clearly the way in this respect as well, but neither the company Apple nor the company Google, definitely, and since then our works have been taken as blueprints for the further development of the PDA with cell phone module, the mobile phone with touchscreen, and the operating systems for stationary and mobile computing. For example, the operating system Android merely was a Linux operating system kernel with a library for mobile connectivity and communication, a simpel Personal Information Manager (PIM), and a web browser for mobile phones, also called handsets, while the rest has been copied from our OS OntoLinux, as it the case with many other operating systems. These documented facts as well as other facts make our Ontologic System and Ontoscope, which are directly connected with the artist C.S. by a huge amount of relations, original and unique multimedia works of art. ]", and "Some days, you might be in too much of a hurry to make sure your phone is fully charged. HTC Sense Companion is smart enough to notice if you have any appointments that day and will remind you to recharge while you have time or bring a power bank. [See the exemplary scenarios on the webpage of our Ontologic Applications once again. The differences to our original text is only a rework of our web contents and hence does not constitute a new work with a new expresssion but still remains our orignal and unique works.]".

    Interesting to note in this relation is the point that a reporter of a media company and non-expert in the related fields recognized that the reason behind the acquisition of a part of the device manufacturer HTC by the company Google is that "the smartphone game has rapidly become much more focused around the services the phone can deliver rather than the device itself", "what is in [the company]'s favour this time is [...] providing much tighter integration between hardware, the [operating system] Android [...] and Google’s services", and "Google needs much better integration between hardware and software if its services are to continue to thrive", or simply said the true goal is to get our Ontoscope as well as the rest of our Ontologic System with its "artificially intelligent voice assistants" that it has already taken to a large extent and included in the operating system Android and Google services, as we have very precisely documented, and also its Ontologic Applications (OAs).

    We get more and more the impression that nobody is really glad about this development with the sole exception of HTC, some media companies, and perhaps the company Amazon and some other companies, that also have an agreement with Google.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We extended the range of utilization of one of our technologies, which makes many other technologies possible in a very elegant and highly appreciated way.

    SOPR #9

  • Ontologic Applications (OA)
    • Cloud computing
    • IDentity and Access Management System (IDAMS)
  • License Model (LM)

    Ontologic Applications (OA)
    Basic cloud computing services used together with other features of our Ontologic System (OS), Ontoscope (Os), etc. are basically Ontologic Applications (OA).
    Especially, the often mentioned OS features of

  • a unique user IDentity (ID) and related ID management or IDentity and Access Management System (IDAMS), Access Control System (ACS), and User Account Control (UAC) enhancement with Mandatory Integrity Control (MIC), as well as
  • user data synchronization, and
  • other system and network functions, such as the Distributed Computing platform extending the AutoSemantic extension package and including the

    are OA, that belong to the group of OA, where a share of 15 to 25% is targeted depending on our metric.

    At this point, we have to recall once again that composing prior art, such as an IDAMS, a voice based virtual assistant, a Distributed System (DS) (e.g. cloud computing, mobile computing, web computing, system, etc.), or a related general or particular service, does not avoid a causal link and hence an infringement of our copyright or other rights if our works were taken as blueprints, as has become obvious and is already proven several times.

    License Model (LM)
    In addition, we will continue the work on our licensing model in relation with our

  • Active Components integrated with our computing and multimedia technologies of Style of Speed and
  • other components and systems of us, such as ones of our intelligent Architecture (iArchitecture), as well as
  • their integration with our OS and in this way with each other.
    Companies should think twice before giving away our IPs for free to third parties, for example with special applications that are OAs.
    The alternative for automotive manufacturers and other companies as well as their responsible owners and managers have been discussed and communicated already.
    Our SoMu is moving on to realize a fair compensation for 20 years of orchestrated
  • conducting of industrial espionage,
  • stealing of intellectual properties and business units,
  • conducting of psychological terror, and
  • depriving of personal rights and eventually life, that has to be declared as nothing else than modern slavery.

    Specifically in regard to those deeply disgusting actings and the common practices to handle such issues in much more worse ways by taking back everything and also demand other amends on the one hand and to take 70%{30%} of the revenue (see for example app stores) and not just only 5 to 25% on the other hand, calling the compensation as fair is even a cynical view.
    Our SoMu is moving on to realize a fair compensation, specifically in regard to the common practice to take 70%{30%} of the revenue (see for example app stores) and not just only 5 to 25%.

    OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps
    We have added an additional addressing system to our OntoGlobe with the Ontologic Map (OntoMap) and related systems, applications, and services, such as our MapCloud service of Style of Speed, that can be used with every Ontologic System Component (OSC), specifically with our OntoNet (ON), OntoWeb (OW), and OntoVerse (OV) software components.
    The addressing system comprises:

  • one fixed Voronoi mesh in 2D of around 150 billion Spherical Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (SCVT) cells respectively quasi-uniform hexagons each with a diameter of around 40 inches/1 meter, or
  • a fixed Voronoi mesh in 3D of Spherical Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (SCVT) cells, volumes, or honeycombs respectively quasi-uniform polyhedrons such as e.g. cubes, rhombic dodecahedrons, etc., and
  • a freely adjustable Voronoi mesh of individually sized meshes consisting of SCVT cells or volumes drawn with our OntoCAx and OntoBlender software components,

    which can be addressed with a triple of alphanumeric characters optionally separated by a point or other sign (digit [0-9]; letter [a-zA-Z]; {digit}|{letter}+.{digit}|{letter}+.{digit}|{letter}+) and having an appropriate length.
    In this way, the addresses can be written by triples in the N-Triples, Notation3 (N3), and Resource Description Framework (RDF) formats as well, which allows the seamless storage with our OntoBase and Ontologic File System (OntoFS) software components and processing with our other software components.
    See the OntoLix and OntoLinux Website update of the 21st of August 2017, and also the issues Superstructure #14 of the 7th of August 2017 and Superstructure #16 of the 15th of August 2017, and the Ontologic Web Further steps of the 9th of December 2016 for example.

    Hmmm, this beginning is always better than everything else as it is also the case with collaborating with us.

    iRaiment Further steps
    We have developed a new wearable device, which is quite revolutionary.

    Roboticle Further steps
    We extended the ranges of capability and utilization of our hoverdrone, hoverbot, and hoverorb platforms once again by integrating them with a Health Care Management System (HCMS) and a Hospital Information System (HIS). See also the related projects in the Innovation-Pipeline of Ontonics such as Med•E and Nurs•E.

    Accordingly, Eve has to be called Dr. Eve (see the Further steps of the 4th of February 2017, 9th of July 2017 and 20th of September 2017, and the Ontonics Further steps of the 10th of July 2017).

    Comment of the Day
    Carbon hover™

    Ontonics Further steps
    Since some weeks we are trying to find out the limits of our materials like Hoverinium and technologies like zero gravity and anti-gravity devices, and repulsorlift engines (see for example the Ontonics Further steps of the 24th of June 2017).
    Sadly to say, we still have not succeeded in doing so. But we got some first indications that the

  • efficiency of our Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Hovering Aerial Vehicles (HAVs), and Zero Gravity Vehicles (ZGVs) seems to be 24 g/W = 38.34 lb/hp approaching the parachute but moving up and not down, and
  • maximal thrust respectively lift force is 1,030 g/cm² or 42.91 W/cm² in theory and potentially achievable in practice with some clever design like our hover wheel (see the Style of Speed Further steps of the 13th of September 2017).

    Roboticle Further steps
    We are pleased to present our new Hoverdrone model Carbon Hover™, which has the shape of a paper plane, is incredible durable and reliable, and has been mentioned in the Further steps of the 20th of August 2017 together with some specification data already.

    The image below shows the first generation of the drone Carbon Flyer that we have overworked and improved by substituting the

  • two motors and rotors with our Hover Power Units (HPUs) and our propulsion system,
  • original flight controller with one of our OntoLab (see the Ontonics Further steps of the 18th of August 2017),
  • original camera module with a system camera module of Ontoscope making the Carbon Hover a Hoverscope, and
  • original battery with a ultrahigh-capacity electric energy storage device of Ontonics.

    Carbon Flyer → Roboticle Hoverdrone Carbon Hover
    Carbon Flyer → Roboticle Hoverdrone Carbon Hover
    © :)

    For sure, our Carbon Hover can be

  • folded for easy storage, transportation, and deployment,
  • produced in any paper plane shape and any other shape, and also
  • customized on demand.

    There is also the possibility to use other materials for realizing hoverbots with such shapes (see also the Further steps of the 10th of May 2017).

    In addition, we developed three special areas of application:

  • The first special application is a rework of our Mail/Carrier/Message Pigeon 2.0, for sure, that allows us to provide mail and courier/messenger and delivery drone services, specifically to swiftly and safely fly small loads, like letters, medicinal products, and bag of candy for example.
  • The second special application is our new Personal Reconnaissance System (PRS) for law enforcement agencies and military organizations, for sure, that allows to perform special tasks and missions (see the issue Ontonics Super Warrior #15 of the 20th of August 2017).
  • The third special application is a Swarming Micro Aerial Vehicle Network (SMAVNET) with multiple Carbon Hovers, for sure.

    As said in the issue Ontonics Hovercity #2 of the 5th of February 2017, we have no problems with the regulation of drones by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other federal aviation authorities, and we are even not affected by their regulation at all, because our Hoverdrones, Hoverbots, and Hoverorbs constitute a new and totally different class of aerial vehicles, that absolutely do not impose any danger for man and machine.
    Models of special series of them even continue to hover after being broken into pieces, but we do not know and cannot imagine any reasons and circumstances at all why and how a Carbon Hover should become torn in parts under natural conditions.

    SOPR #15
    Somebody mentioned a traffic club that reminds us of our mobility club of Style of Speed, which is connected with our Ontologic Web and its user club.
    For sure, such a traffic club is an interesting concept. But in this case

  • our final license model or a streamlined variant will be a guiding means for all members of such a traffic club,
  • all major vehicle manufacturers should join the traffic club, even Toyota, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler for example,
  • none of the devices and services of non-members are allowed in the vehicles, in the shops, on the websites, and so on of all members of the traffic club, and
  • no loopholes will be tolerated (e.g. taxi sharing and self-driving cars together with non-members, interface-plugs for devices and services of non-members, etc.),

    but instead every vehicle manufacturer could begin to think about

  • interfaces and services (e.g. vehicle and In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI), Industry 4.0, etc.) self-developed or developed by Ontologics,
    • interfaces respectively ontologies and ontologics to the Ontologic System (OS) with its Ontologic Net (ON), Ontologic Web (OW), and Ontologic uniVerse (OV), and the Ontoscope (Os) will be managed by Ontologics for a reasonable return, and
    • services respectively Ontologic Applications (OAs) for the Ontologic System (OS) with its Ontologic Net (ON), Ontologic Web (OW), and Ontologic uniVerse (OV), and the Ontoscope (Os) can be managed by Ontologics for a reasonable return,
  • hovers,
  • own mobile devices (e.g. hand-held, wrist-worn, and head-worn Ontoscopes, aka. smartphone, smartwatch, and smartglasses) or a traffic club mobile device series developed by Ontonics, and
  • other things.

    By pure happenstance we thought two days ago in this relation, that we would like to suggest to bring together Google Maps and Here in our OntoGlobe or OntoEarth of our Ontologic System. Oh.

    Website update
    We have substituted the phrase "grid computing (includes cloud computing and edge computing)" with "grid computing, cloud computing, and edge computing" in the

  • Investigations::Multimedia, AI and KM of the 8th of July 2017,
  • Ontonics Further steps of the 19th of July 2017,
  • Clarification #2 of the 21st of July 2017,
  • Investigations::Multimedia, AI and KM of the 24th of July 2017,
  • Investigations::Multimedia of the 29th of July 2017,
  • Investigations::Multimedia, AI and KM of the 10th of August 2017, and
  • Investigations::Multimedia, AI and KM of the 28th of August 2017,

    or even removed the term "grid computing" in the

  • OntoLix and OntoLinux Further steps of the 5th of July 2017,
  • Interim injunction to ban IBM Watson and cloud computing systems and services required of the 9th of July 2017,
  • Clarification #1 of the 21st of July 2017,
  • Interim injunction to ban Facebook Messenger and services required of the 19th of July 2017,
  • Investigations::Multimedia, AI and KM of the 22nd of July 2017,
  • Clarification of the 29th of July 2017,
  • Interim injunction to ban Daimler operating systems and services required of the 4th of August 2017, and


  • this inclusion said in such an absolute way is not quite right,
  • the grid computing paradigm is only related with a specific range of distributed computing functions and services,
  • the semantic grid paradigm is only related with the paradigms of grid computing, semantic web, and agent-based systems, but not with the approach that was named as Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) around the time when we started our OS officially in the year 2006,
  • we have to talk about the subject form the point of view of as a Service (aaS), specifically in relation with our
    • Ontologic Applications (OAs) and
    • Distributed Computing architecture and AutoSemantic extension package, and also the point that the feature descriptions of the "User centric migration of applications and data from one computing machine to another, even from a personal computer to a cell phone, or an automotive media center" and "Personal World Wide Web-based infrastructure, network, and virtual drive, that supports the user centric migration Max-Mig, synchronization of applications and data Max-Sync, and communication Max-Com" includes a circumscription of cloud computing, because we wanted to avoid the use of the marketing term cloud computing in the Feature-Lists #1 and #2 of our OS,
  • we followed a wrong and manipulating statement quoting a paper that was publicated years before the term cloud computing was introduced for a broader computing paradigm than grid computing,
  • isolated the semantic grid and cognitive grid even more,
  • the grey zone has to be drawn much more correctly and precisely for defining the white, yellow, or red line, and
  • we do not want to make stealing too easy for kleptomaniacs.

    Obviously, specific prior art is void (see for example the Website review of the 23rd of August 2017 and the Clarification of the 24th of August 2017).

    Roboticle Further steps
    On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate ...
    ... our effectiveness?
    Big Hero 6 Baymax Eyes
    © Walt Disney and :(

    Did you know that Baymax can fly even without an armor suit? Indeed, Eve and Baymax improved each other by exchanging their special features. What an effective team. See also the Further steps of the 20th and 23rd of September 2017.

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have noticed the various desires by the public and begun to extend the requirement specification for the Ontologic Net (ON), Ontologic Web (OW), and Ontologic uniVerse (OV) accordingly. Important points in addition to the points already listed in the Further steps of the 10th of July 2017 are:

  • no central control,
  • companies want to collect, manage, and monetize the user data of their customers on their own, and
  • companies want to provide services and do e-commerce, but
  • common public user data, and
  • common net and web layer that unites the proprietary computing systems, networks, web systems, devices, and environments.

    This leads to projects like our Managed Peer-to-Peer (MP2P) and similar hybrids as intermediate, uniting layer for the ON, OW, and OV.

    In this relation we would like to give the reminder that

  • the OS is based on a graph or a hypergraph, as can be seen with the Ontologic(-Oriented) (OO 3) paradigm and for example special variants of the OntoCore software component of the Ontologic System OntoLinux, and
  • the Superstructure, Hoverland, Hovercity, and other 3D environments are parts of the ON, OW, and OV.

    Comment of the Day
     ( o )
     () ()o

    Ontonics Further steps
    Our legal team of our Society for Multimedia performing, and digital and mechanical reproduction rights (SoMu) continued with the development of our license model.
    Below is a more detailed sketch of the license model that is meant as a thinking model to see how the structure could look like, but it is not the final harmonized coherent model.
    For example, an Ontoscope can have a processor with multiple cores like a server for the Ontologic Net (ON), Ontologic Web (OW), and Ontologic uniVerse (OV), and therefore both items should invoke the same overall license fee.
    Another example has been addressed already that is the question with the bundles of Ontologic System (OS), Ontoscope (Os), and Ontologic Application (OA) or Ontologic Service.

    Software technology - Ontologic System (OS):

  • OS Component: 1 U.S. Dollar, maximal 15 U.S. Dollar
    common street price see OS complete below
  • OS instance on embedded system connected with ON, OW, OV: 1 to 5 U.S. Dollar
    common street price see OS complete below
  • OS instance on server for ON, OW, OV: 5 U.S. Dollar
    common street price see OS complete below
  • OS complete: 15 U.S. Dollar
    common street price 150 to 180 U.S. Dollar

    Hardware technology - Ontoscope (Os):

  • Os Component: 1 U.S. Dollar, maximal 15 U.S. Dollar
    common street price see Os complete below
  • Os embedded system connected with ON, OW, OV: 1 to 5 U.S. Dollar
    common street price see Os complete below
  • Os server for ON, OW, OV: 5 U.S. Dollar
    common street price see Os complete below
  • Os complete: 15 U.S. Dollar
    common street price 150 to 180 U.S. Dollar
  • Active Component of Style of Speed: 1 U.S. Dollar, maximal 15 U.S. Dollar
    common street price see Os Component above
  • E-Multimedia Component of Style of Speed: 1 U.S. Dollar, maximal 15 U.S. Dollar
    common street price see Os Component above
  • 21st Century technology not Os based: not available actually

    Service and E-commerce - OA and ON, OW, OV Service (OAOOOS or OAO³S) with an OS instance or an Os device or both:

  • advertising: 5% of the revenue
    common reward dependent on individual factors (e.g. count of clicks)
  • app store: 5% of the revenue (e.g. 80/15/5, ..., 85/10/5)
    common split of revenue 85/15
  • streaming: 5% of the revenue
    common reward dependent on individual factors (e.g. count of clicks) or split of revenue
  • other services: 5% of the revenue
    common reward dependent on individual factors

    Accounting is ideally done by the operating system respectively OS manufacturers, the machine manufacturers, and the telecommunications companies.

    Missing are the points like the following:

  • definition of the term instance,
  • definition of the classes embedded system, server, and Ontoscope (Os) respectively the unit of accounting (e.g. device, processor, or processor core),
  • harmonizing of the license model,
  • balancing of OS and Os bundles in respect to the rates for service and e-commerce, and
  • streamlining of the license model, as well as
  • other formalities such as for example
    • services of Ontonics and Ontologics,
      • links to software, hardware, and documents as guidelines for implementation and realisation,
      • standards for OS, ON, OW, and OV, OAOOOS, as well as Os,
      • software architectures,
      • hardware architectures,
      • system interfaces as ontologies,
      • layers of interorperability in respect to individual rings of the management structure (see the Ontonics Further steps of the 10th of July 2017),
      • layers of interorperability in respect to individual services,
        • networking and distributed computing services (includes Peer-to-Peer (P2P), grid, and cloud computing),
        • communication services (includes messaging),
        • social services,
        • Geographic Information System (GIS) or mapping services,
        • online goods and services,
        • retail services,
        • marketplace services,
        • transport and delivery services,
        • mobility services,
        • etc.,
      • transition process,
      • etc.
    • organization and governance of Inner Circle,
    • clearing house,
    • data democracy,
    • common pool of revenue,
    • other management tasks,
    • etc..

    Ontonics Further steps
    We have begun to configure our newest near-field wireless power transmission technology (see the Further steps of the 21st of September 2017) for mobile devices that support the Qi standard and potentially also the Rezence (WiPower and PMA) standard.

    Furthermore, we have adapted a solution of an external entity for increasing the range of this wireless power transmission technology even further, and utilized the resulting technology for improving a related basic system of us. In this way, we can provide wireless power in all areas of an environment as envisioned, researched and developed.

    Based on the developments of the 5th of May 2017 and 21st of September 2017 we developed a new technology.

    We have also started the prototyping phase of our new powermat ipad, Loudspeaker 2.0 device (see the Further steps of the 10th of December 2016), Ontologic Net (ON) router and home hub devices (see the Ontologic Net Further steps and Ontologic Web Further steps of the 21st of September 2017), and smart speaker series (see the Further steps of the 22nd of September 2017), which all comprise our newest wireless power transmission technology.

    This solution is exclusively reserved for licensees of our Ontologic System (OS), Ontoscope (Os), and Ontologic Application and ON, OW, OV Service (OAOOOS or OAO³S).

    Style of Speed Further steps
    We have begun the prototyping phase of our new in-vehicle wireless power transmission technology based on our newest near-field wireless power transmission technology (see the Further steps of the 21st of September 2017).

    This solution is exclusively reserved for licensees of our Ontologic System (OS), Ontoscope (Os), and Ontologic Application and ON, OW, OV Service (OAOOOS or OAO³S).

    Style of Speed Website update
    We removed the section Extension from the webpage of our irail and ipad system and several images, because they were related with an outdated generation of our basic wireless power transmission technology, and added some information about its new generation and its interplay with our Active Interior (see the Ontonics Further steps of the 21st of September 2017 and today, and the Style of Speed Further steps of today).

    Ontonics Further steps
    We improved a manufacturing process, that uses a very special material, by adding some additional relatively complex process steps.
    We also developed some first composites that include this very special material.

    Furthermore, we worked on one of our technologies, which is based on this very special material, and could confirm once again that we meet all of our requirements and announcements.

    In the course of this, we found out that on the one hand the properties of this material are much more advantageous than thought before and on the other hand its properties allows us to use it for the manufacturing of other products as well. This material and our composites might very well become the new magic material together with our related processes.

    iRaiment Further steps
    We also developed a system further by integrating additional functionalities (see the Further steps of the 8th of October 2016). The result is something that most potentially has nobody envisioned or expected at all. Specifically the girls are waiting for such a solution and will highly appreciate the result. :D

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    Christian Stroetmann GmbH